COVID-19 Health Update

  • March 23, 2020
  • Blog
  • 1264

covid image

With the increase in number of local cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) the safety and wellbeing of our members, their families, our staff and volunteers is our number one priority at Beyond Blindness.

Beyond Blindness has activated early-stage pandemic response plans as a precautionary measure.  This has led to the following decisions by the Beyond Blindness Board of Management:

  • All group activities both internal and external, will be suspended immediately until further notice (this applies to activities centred around the Gilles Plains site as well as groups organised and located in the southern area by Tracy Reed):
    • Social Centre activities (craft, walking group, Tech Corner)
    • South east Conversation Corner and social groups
    • South east bus trips
    • Wednesday night bowls
    • Travel Club
    • Country Music
    • Pub lunches
    • ILC Peer Group
    • This will also include any external groups using the Beyond Blindness facility
  • Staff will be contacting members who are directly receiving any social support services
  • Other services such as SPWF benefits will go on as usual for example
    • Adaptive Technology subsidies
    • Interest Free Personal Loans
    • Home Maintenance subsidies
    • Oaks Liberty apartment bookings
    • Power & Phone subsidy
  •  Small Job requests will be assessed on a case by case basis


  • If you are unwell and/or showing symptoms or have been in contact with a diagnosed case, please contact your GP
  • If you have recently returned from overseas, or have been in contact with someone who has recently returned from overseas, please isolate yourself at home for a minimum of 14 days
  • Follow good hygiene precautions including thoroughly washing hands regularly, after using the toilet, having contact with another person and before eating meals
  • Avoid all non-essential gatherings and physical contact where possible e.g no shaking hands
  • If you are diagnosed please contact us as we need to notify the Health Department and take further steps

The Beyond Blindness office will be staffed and we are actively working towards offering alternatives using technology e.g telephone and social media. The Beyond Blindness Board of Management and staff will continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation closely and these precautionary measures have been put in place based on the advice and guidance of health authorities.

The Australian Government Department of Health provides general information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) and you can also phone the National Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080. This service runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you require translating or interpreting services, call 131 450.

We appreciate this may disrupt the daily routine of members, and while this is regrettable, COVID-19 has created unprecedented circumstances and we have had to make difficult decisions which minimise the risk of infection. The safety and welfare of our members, staff and volunteers, continues to remain our number one priority.  Throughout this period, we will continue to update our community with important information.

We thank you for your support and understanding as we work together through this challenging time.

We are complying with all government advice to help reduce the spread of this virus. As part of our support to all our members and volunteers if you need assistance please  do not hesitate to contact the office on 08 8367 6088.

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