Annual General Meeting to be held on 22nd October 2016

  • September 9, 2016
  • Blog
  • 1079

Once again it is time for the Blind Welfare Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM). The meeting is to be held on Saturday 22nd October 2016 at 11am in Knapman House at 230 Pirie Street Adelaide. The purpose of the AGM is to:

• Confirm and accept the minutes of the previous AGM;
• Receive and adopt any reports;
• Receive and adopt the audited accounts of the Association which will be available to members on request 14 days prior to the AGM;
• Elect members to the Board of Management;
• Consider and determine any other business of which prior notice has been given:

The terms of 2 current Board members will expire at the AGM. Consequently and in accordance with the Association’s Constitution, two members will need to be elected. The appointments to the Board of those two members will be for a period of two years. Members are encouraged to give consideration to this opportunity to have an input into the Association’s governance. If you would like a nomination form please contact the office on 8367 6088 and a form and documentation outlining Board Responsibilities will be posted to you (nomination forms will also be on our website). Completed nomination forms and any general business items or notices of motion need to be returned to BWA so that they are received no later than 5.00pm on Monday 19th September, 2016. The Constitution does not provide for general discussion on matters of which prior notice has not been given.

All members are encouraged to attend this meeting

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